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WoonWerkPand Tetterode
Steunfonds Oekraïense makers
Mondriaan Fund
Ministerie van buitenlandse zaken
West Wednesdays
Anna Sydorenko
01.05.2022 – 00.00.0000

Anna Sydorenko (Ukr.), curator and artist, constructs statements using a wide arsenal of media, including photography, video, installation, environment and land. Notable is the work with natural, natural materials such as water, sand, stones and wood.

For the project Convert, for instance, Anna Sydorenko took photos of drops: each subsequent drop increased in diameter and was layered on the previous one. The project was exhibited in the gallery Art Collegium as hung transparent pages and as an installation of glass and drops at the exhibition Internal Movement (as part of the International Biennale Spatia Nova, Gallery 103, St. Petersburg).

The art of Anna Sydorenko

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